
Mountain Memories Farm
Contact: Mark and Dawn Taylor-Rhudy
Address: 1541 Mt Zion Rd Elk Creek, VA, 24326
Phone: 276-655-4744
About Us
Located 64.6 miles from the High Country Food Hub.
Nestled in the heart of the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains of Southwestern Virginia, Mountain Memories Farm has been owned by our family for six generations. Just as in the old days, we know how important it is to feed your family fresh vegetables, meats of quality and fresh eggs. It's what we grew up on.
Here at the farm we continue to live our lives as our ancestors once did. Every day includes feeding the chickens and gathering the eggs. Springtime is a busy time of year with plowing garden, planting vegetables, and mowing and bailing hay. Springtime is also the time for baby lambs, calves and pigs. It's a 24 hour day checking on them and making sure that the little ones are okay.
Summertime is filled with gathering vegetables, mowing more hay and bailing it and going to Farmers Markets and planting fall vegetables.
Fall is the time for the final cutting of hay and harvesting the fall vegetables. We also wean all of the baby animals and get everything ready for Winter.
Well, there's no rest for the weary. In Winter, we spend most of our time just feeding and taking care of all the animals and getting ready to start all over again in the Spring. We also do our Winter deliveries.
Growing up on this farm was a wonderful experience and we are passing the experience along to our children and grandchildren.
Located 64.6 miles from the High Country Food Hub.
Nestled in the heart of the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains of Southwestern Virginia, Mountain Memories Farm has been owned by our family for six generations. Just as in the old days, we know how important it is to feed your family fresh vegetables, meats of quality and fresh eggs. It's what we grew up on.
Here at the farm we continue to live our lives as our ancestors once did. Every day includes feeding the chickens and gathering the eggs. Springtime is a busy time of year with plowing garden, planting vegetables, and mowing and bailing hay. Springtime is also the time for baby lambs, calves and pigs. It's a 24 hour day checking on them and making sure that the little ones are okay.
Summertime is filled with gathering vegetables, mowing more hay and bailing it and going to Farmers Markets and planting fall vegetables.
Fall is the time for the final cutting of hay and harvesting the fall vegetables. We also wean all of the baby animals and get everything ready for Winter.
Well, there's no rest for the weary. In Winter, we spend most of our time just feeding and taking care of all the animals and getting ready to start all over again in the Spring. We also do our Winter deliveries.
Growing up on this farm was a wonderful experience and we are passing the experience along to our children and grandchildren.
Our lambs, goats, beef, and hogs are pastured raised and receive no added hormones or antibiotics. Our chickens are free range and also receive no added hormones or antibiotics. We grow our vegetables using organic practices.
Our hemp is grown outdoors with absolutely no sprays of any kind! We raise varieties that are high in CBD. This is to offer our customers the best quality possible for oils and other products. The strains we grow have been lab tested to not only meet state requirements but also to assure the customer they are getting top quality products.
Our hemp is grown outdoors with absolutely no sprays of any kind! We raise varieties that are high in CBD. This is to offer our customers the best quality possible for oils and other products. The strains we grow have been lab tested to not only meet state requirements but also to assure the customer they are getting top quality products.